The Missing American Jury
The Missing American Jury
Restoring the Fundamental Role of the Criminal, Civil, and Grand Juries
Cambridge University Press
How America’s Courts Undermine Discrimination Law
Oxford University Press
Selected Articles
The Customer Caste: Lawful Discrimination by Public Businesses
109 Calif. L. Rev. __ (2021)
Why (Jury-Less) Juvenile Courts Are Unconstitutional
69 Emory L.J. 273 (2019) (co-author Collin Stich)
Why Summary Judgment Is Unconstitutional
93 Va. L. Rev. 139 (2007)
What Timbs Does Not Say?
Geo. Wash. L. Rev. On the Docket (2019)
The Limits of History: The English Fire Courts, Congress, and the Seventh Amendment Civil Jury Trial
83 U. Chi. L. Rev. Online 281 (2018)
The New Summary Judgment Motion: The Motion to Dismiss Under Iqbal and Twombly
14 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 15 (2010)
Reforming the Summary Judgment Problem: The Consensus Requirement
86 Fordham L. Rev. 2241 (2018)
The Missing Branch of the Jury
77 Ohio St. L.J. 1261 (2016)
How Atypical, Hard Cases Make Bad Law
48 Wake Forest L. Rev. 989 (2013)
The Bill of Rights After
McDonald v. Chicago
88 Notre Dame L. Rev. 159 (2012)
A Limitation on Congress: “In Suits at common law
71 Ohio St. L.J. 1071 (2010)
Employer Costs and Conflicts Under the Affordable Care Act
99 Cornell L. Rev. Online 56 (2013) (co-author Peter Molk)
Blackstone’s Curse: The Fall of the Criminal, Civil, and Grand Juries and the Rise of the Executive, the Legislature, the Judiciary, and the States
55 William and Mary L. Rev. 1195 (2014)
The Fallacy of Dispositive Procedure
50 B.C. L. Rev. 759 (2009)
Why the Motion to Dismiss Is Now Unconstitutional
92 Minn. L. Rev. 1851 (2008)
Why Summary Judgment Is Still Unconstitutional: A Reply to Professors Brunet and Nelson
93 Iowa L. Rev. 1667 (2008)
Judicial Modesty and the Jury
76 U. Colo. L. Rev. 767 (2005)
The Seventh Amendment, Modern Procedure and the English Common Law
82 Wash. U. L.Q. 687 (2004)
Re-examining the Constitutionality of Remittitur Under the Seventh Amendment
64 Ohio St. L.J. 731 (2003)